mm-sized QUARTZ grain- 520 nm Measured F11 scattering matrix element as function of the scattering angle theta (in degrees), corresponding to curve for quartz cosmic dust grain at 520 nm presented in "Experimental Phase Functions of Millimiter-sized Cosmic Dust Grains O. Muñoz, F. Moreno, F. Vargas-Martin, D. Guirado, J. Escobar-Cerezo, M. Min, and J.W. Hovenier. ApJ, 846:85 (8pp), 2017. The experimental errors are also given. F11 is normalized to 1 at a scattering angle of 30 degrees. DATA ARE FREELY AVAILABLE UNDER THE REQUEST OF CITATION OF: Muñoz et al. ApJ, 846:85 (8pp), 2017, AND Munoz et al. JQSRT, 113, 565-574, 2012. theta(deg) F11/F11(30deg) error 3 11.6564752654448 0.165729472844305 4 6.7820812737269 0.096799664398989 5 5.04700379117532 0.074516979256201 6 4.01490645248528 0.064290484424988 7 2.87998931821677 0.047200032659681 8 2.31574635944972 0.038260327824223 9 2.05443417218093 0.034101598130338 10 1.55894820088788 0.024862339600529 15 0.928147466415826 0.01358821144639 20 0.875794659311199 0.010532890273887 25 0.919964176939103 0.008373304136075 30 1 0 35 1.05584543521357 0.008763223602327 40 1.13141521008812 0.015286175558773 45 1.24237486461629 0.022272510634285 50 1.37586205596869 0.030731152867967 55 1.50039475841231 0.041085488532895 60 1.68898603812735 0.053741099537322 65 1.85259787881881 0.063634513499478 70 2.05051406962977 0.073096379639532 75 2.18008230191907 0.075374307461449 80 2.31888937794315 0.076076064274918 85 2.47741170214576 0.07787155896057 90 2.60040837431696 0.078403871184617 95 2.7179371482706 0.081532911106259 100 2.84827607028793 0.082385861590291 105 2.98665145204817 0.086597420009088 110 3.12688386212839 0.089869486516347 115 3.25351951594745 0.091241757390433 120 3.38884183975758 0.0931548297378 125 3.5440280530309 0.096044522165985 130 3.6271732575036 0.094189923633861 135 3.77329881956753 0.096237609552673 140 3.90372961129566 0.094880393454478 145 4.04384669793337 0.098910519142459 150 4.21638948678479 0.101420499320505 155 4.33759466993614 0.101945526421404 160 4.45810283417976 0.101025412138013 165 4.61207126061838 0.103691526612235 166 4.63304481945499 0.10469793748893 167 4.64668460545861 0.103106201750319 168 4.65376676817187 0.103812484426391 169 4.71736872274037 0.105696054068663