Microcystis aeruginosa - no gas vacuoles - 632.8nm Measured scattering matrix elements F11 and -F12/F11 as functions of scattering angle theta (in degrees), corresponding to curves presented in Volten H, De Haan JF, Hovenier JW, Vassen W, Schreurs R, Dekker A, Hoogenboom HJ, Charlton F, Wouts R, Laboratory measurements of angular distributions of light scattered by phytoplankton and silt, Limnology and Oceanography, 43, 1180-1197 (1998). The experimental errors are also given. F11 is scaled to the scattering function of San Diego Harbour at a scattering angle of 90 degrees (SDH90). DATA ARE FREELY AVAILABLE UNDER THE REQUEST OF CITATION OF: Volten et al. Limnology and Ocanography, 43, 1180-1197, 1998, AND Munoz et al. JQSRT, 113, 565-574, 2012. angle F11/SDH90 error -F12/F11 error -F12/F11 20. 0.76 0.22 -0.009 0.020 25. 0.42 0.13 -0.028 0.030 30. 0.282 0.075 -0.081 0.008 35. 0.175 0.014 -0.124 0.009 40. 0.109 0.010 -0.186 0.008 45. 0.0692 0.0071 -0.256 0.018 50. 0.0426 0.0049 -0.322 0.030 55. 0.0292 0.0028 -0.362 0.041 60. 0.0211 0.0028 -0.428 0.049 65. 0.0183 0.0012 -0.473 0.039 70. 0.0136 0.0013 -0.545 0.044 75. 0.0119 0.0011 -0.577 0.048 80. 0.01051 0.00082 -0.602 0.047 85. 0.00927 0.00088 -0.640 0.051 90. 0.00841 0.00080 -0.628 0.055 95. 0.00752 0.00082 -0.617 0.056 100. 0.00728 0.00084 -0.584 0.058 105. 0.00681 0.00088 -0.540 0.063 110. 0.00654 0.00084 -0.482 0.051 115. 0.00641 0.00085 -0.412 0.066 120. 0.00665 0.00060 -0.342 0.025 125. 0.00754 0.00054 -0.280 0.024 130. 0.0065 0.0014 -0.316 0.021 135. 0.00803 0.00077 -0.205 0.006 140. 0.0075 0.0014 -0.186 0.041 145. 0.0073 0.0017 -0.203 0.028 150. 0.0071 0.0026 -0.071 0.065 155. 0.0098 0.0031 -0.108 0.040 160. 0.0120 0.0057 -0.180 0.046